Wooden Boat Owners and Enthusiasts

On Saturday, May 18th at The Blue Gill Restaurant, wooden boat owners as well as enthusiasts will gather to share their appreciation of boats and to honor a wooden boat lover; my dad, Chan Flowers.
As a young boy, Chan instilled in me a passion for these wooden boats; a passion that remains in me today, as I have bought and restored seven (7) of these timeless classics myself.
Two years ago, Chan was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the body’s nerves. It can spread quickly throughout the body causing tingling, weakness and eventually paralysis. Chan is currently in a rehab facility where he fights daily to regain his strength and mobility as well to improve his overall condition; unfortunately, it’s a slow arduous process to rebuild damaged nerves.
Please join me as we enjoy these beautiful vessels, meet the owners who have restored them. I cannot think of a better way to help raise the much needed funds for Chan’s continued therapy than to celebrate these Mobile Causeway Classic Wooden Boats that truly a historical part of the Gulf Coast. –Channing Flowers
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