Susan G. Peele
Click on painting below to order a Limited Edition Print, signed by Susan
Susan G. Peele – a Mobile resident and local artist has graciously lent her time and talent toward creating an original piece, which will be auctioned off. In addition, prints will be available for purchase during the show which can be signed by Susan during the event. In her own words, here is how Susan came up with the inspiration for The Causeway Classic Wooden Boat Show original: “… sunset colors and how they reflect on the water, the reeds and boats and the skies reflection, but most of all the energy of pulling up to your favorite destination in a boat.” Susan specifically chose a view toward Mobile, because she loved “…the warm afternoon sunsets and the Mobile skyline…” which are clearly seen in the background. In fact the boat in the foreground “Judy Sue” is owned by Chan Flowers’ and was named after his mother. Susan’s painting not only epitomizes the event but the fervor and nostalgia people have toward wooden boats.
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